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White Label Reselling Solution

Are you looking to expand your services and sell SSD Storage based VPS products?

With such a unique product, selling at a good profit margin should be easy

We provide resellers discounts on the purchase price, plus you can sell our products for whatever price you like.

Reseller Discounts

Active Accounts


Reseller Tier 1

0 - 1 VPS


Reseller Tier 2

2 - 10 VPS


Reseller Tier 3

11+ VPS


Sign Up as a Reseller Now

* Please note: This form is to receive all the information you need to become a VPSBlocks White Label Reseller.

When you click the 'Submit Now' button a login will be created and you will receive full details on how to resell our VPS products.

First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Email Address
Confirm Password
Address 1
Address 2
Zip Code
Phone Number

Contact Reselling Department
Contact the Reselling Department: [email protected]